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Pokestar Studios Forum Rules

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Pokestar Studios Forum Rules Empty Pokestar Studios Forum Rules

Post  MidnightShine Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:42 am

Pokestar Studios Forum Rules

1. No offensive language and please speak English since we are primarily an English-speaking forum.

2. No insulting, threatening or being disrespective towards members.

3. Non-sticky threads cannot be revived after 30 days. If a thread has gone inactive, make a new one.

4. Avatars and signatures must not contain any inappropriate content such as sexual, bloody, prejudice or offensive language. Images used in avatars, signatures and posts can only be of the GIF, JPEG or PNG format.

5. No spamming/flaming/trolling.

6. No mini-modding, this is basically seeing a thread or post that is out-of-place and trying to correct it yourself. If you see such, report it to the section's moderator or any other staff member.

Have fun and welcome to Pokestar Studios!

Rules are subject to change so keep updated.

Posts : 82
Join date : 2012-10-22
Age : 24
Location : The Land of Ooo.


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