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Because this place needs some PARTEH ;D!

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Because this place needs some PARTEH ;D! Empty Because this place needs some PARTEH ;D!

Post  Gratuity Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:27 pm

therefore i'll just throw the order for at ya~

oh yes, the link to my gallery is at the bottom of the post. i'm too lazy to make an art gallery here right now.
(i need to wait about seven days or so first)

order form:


Some art shops need you to fill up your username, the date, blahblahblah...but yeah, I find that these are pointless formalities. Obviously, though, I'll still need to know some stuff before I can do the thing.

The first thing I'd need to know is the type of art you want. So...it can be an avatar, a banner, a...idk, all those stuffs. It'll also help if you give me some dimensions, though it's optional. But if you don't want to tell me the size of your...order, I'll just throw you whatever size I feel like doing (okay, maybe it's not that bad). But if you could, please add some dimensions. That's the 800 x 300, 500 x 200 stuff, by the way.

Please also describe the order well...it'll really help you, and it'll help me too. Under "Description", state what the main focus is, the background, blahblahblah. Yep. In "Other Features", you can throw in some minor details, I'm fine with it ^^. If you could sketch out your request (i.e. draw out which object goes where), it'll be pretty useful too, but hey...that's just a suggestion.

And finally, ALWAYS READ THE RULES. Because signature rules are very very easy to violate, and you might get sent to the depths of something if you broke them. So yeah ^^.

Oh yes, a quick note; this is also found on EGC. Though you could easily request the art over here, my headquarters is over at EGC. I'll post a link here in about seven days, but yeah~~~


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Join date : 2012-10-25
Age : 27

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Because this place needs some PARTEH ;D! Empty Re: Because this place needs some PARTEH ;D!

Post  Fallen Angel Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:37 am

Art Type: Banner
Size (optional):-__- < no care face
Description: A Black and red ninetails!Sky as background (Blizzard-ish sky)! Black la main colour.
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel

Posts : 41
Join date : 2012-10-27
Age : 30
Location : India

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