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Roleplay Mania Rules

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Roleplay Mania Rules Empty Roleplay Mania Rules

Post  Hikari10 Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:47 am

Roleplay Mania Rules

Read before posting a thread

(This is only a prototype of the rules, these will be re-created when moderator is appointed)


1. Global forum rules still apply

Just like all other sections here, we still need to follow the main Pokestar Studios forum rules, found here. Failure to follow the rules may result in infractions and/or bans.

2. No spamming, harassing or trolling

One of the things I don't like is seeing users post short, irrelevant messages just to boost post count. You might also be making a member feel upset, and we don't tolerate that. Repeated offences may result in infractions or bans depending on the severity.

3. Make sure your plot is decent

Roleplays will only be accepted if it has an actual plot that the players can build their stories on. A plot isn't a single line or a tiny paragraph. You need to explain all about the story. Failure to follow will result in the thread being locked.

4. No bumping older threads

Even though we are still a young forum, the no bumping dead threads rule applies here too. In this section, threads that have been inactive for one month (30 days) can only be revived by the thread creator. If the thread has been inactive for 2 months (60 days) it is considered dead and may not be revived.

5. Absolutely no plagiarism

Refrain from posting any plagiarism, this is claiming another person's work as yours. Posting plagiarism will result in an infraction or ban, depending on severity.

6. No linking to off-site RPs

Advertising other forums or off-site RPs is not allowed. Advertising forums will result in infractions and the post will be deleted. Posting threads about RPG's not related to forum roleplaying will also be locked.

7. Please give your RP a rating

All roleplays must have a rating, either in the title or visibly in the first post. Ratings will then be decided by the moderator. You may rate your roleplay K, K+, T or M. Any MA-rated RPs will be immediately locked. No strong adult themes, even if you rate your RP "M". Remember, this is a Pokemon forum so expect kids to be around.

8. No one-liners

Minimum for character posts is 1 paragraph. This is to keep this section free of fast-paced, spammy RPs where the story is lost into nonsense. One liners will be deleted on sight and infractions will be given if you make too many short posts repeatedly.

9. Double posting only allowed by thread creator

Only the thread creator is allowed to double post and only if 2 days have passed since their last post. Otherwise you can just edit the opening post with the new text.

These rules are subject to change at any time, even if a moderator is appointed for this section so stay tuned for any updates.

- Hikari10

Posts : 293
Join date : 2012-10-23
Age : 31
Location : Sydney, Australia

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